Monday, November 23, 2015

Digital shunners & digital world

Once a leader saw me wearing a bluetooth haedset & stated he won't be assimilated, referring to the borg from star trek. Tough time for those leaders who shunned technology during the last decade and now have to drive it as their company decides to go digital and move into platforms and monetizing apps. They look uncomfortable and out of place. Can a person who neither understands or is able to figure out the new platforms of information build a strategy for something similar ? Is their company taking a big risk by putting them in the driver seat ? Only time will tell and hope it does not run out for these companies.
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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Wow ! mariadb j driver is faster or ...

Just played around in fuse with queries/s metrics on mysql. After a lot of dbcp tuning got it to 4k/s.

The just for the heck of it switched to mariadb j connector. 5k/s !
How ? Why ?
Have checked many times. Same result. No idea.

Also if dbcp2 can't load your driver just create a bean and give it the ref. It will work !

Basic ds is way faster than shared pool ds and put the password in conn props to hide from jmx.

posted from Bloggeroid

Jetty increase by using httpj helps

When you are alone with yourself you tend to think. Just tweaked cxf transport to use async always a d also increase the jetty config. Checked in jmx and works great too

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